Great Start!

It is day 7 of our school year and we have done so much! This week we are learning to read and write the sight words, I and can.  Go over these each night, reading and writing them if you have time. Ask your child what our  “cheer’ is for remembering how to spell c-a-n.

The kids are doing a really cute gingerbread art project complete with googly eyes and glitter! They are hanging from our ceiling right now, but they’ll be sent home soon.

Check folders each night too, for notes and informtion about upcoming events. We put some circus tickets in there today!!

Day 3!!

We are still working on being Champs in Mrs. Walker’s classroom, walking quietly in the hall, listening when our teachers talk, and taking turns.  The last couple of days we’ve been to PE. Parents, this is just a reminder that  on Tuesdays and Wednesday, tennis shoes are best  in the gym to run and play. 

 We’ve also practiced using the interactive white board in our room. This is such a cool way to navigate the internet and explore our favorite website, 

Ask your child about the ipad too! We turned it on today and watched/listened to the book Toy Story.  Hopefully, very soon, we’ll put the ipad in a station to use independently.  

We painted a picture of ourselves using good old fashion paint and paper, we’ve really got some artists in here!!

 Looking forward to many more fun days ahead!!

Fabulous First Day!!

Wow!! What a great first day we’ve had. We read Gingerbread Man stories and sang a song that goes with the book. We  practiced all of our procedures in the hallway, classroom, and cafertia.  Today, we got to go to computer lab for the first time, I know they will look forward to that every Monday!  Keep working  and acting like a “Champion” of White Oak Primary. Looking forwad to a great year.